Aberamffra Cottage is available to rent in one week periods beginning on Saturdays. You can choose to rent the upstairs alone or both the upstairs and the undercroft bunkroom. For more information see the information page.

Prices vary depending on demand so please see up to date prices below. Payment is by cheque or bank transfer.

Pricing 2024

There is limited availability remaining in 2024. Weeks commencing:

  • August 10th @ £835 plus £135 (bunk room)
  • December 7th and 14th @ £450 plus £100 (bunk room)
  • December 28th @ £550 plus £135 (bunk room)


Pricing 2025

All prices are for the full week Saturday to Saturday (7 nights). Short breaks (minimum 3 nights - including over weekend) are available in January, February, November and December @£120 per night (upstairs only) plus £50 per night if bunkroom required. Special rates apply at Christmas and New Year.

Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
4th £490 + £120 £610
11th £490 + £120 £610
18th £490 + £120 £610
25th £490 + £120 £610
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
1st £490 + £120 £610
8th £490 + £120 £610
15th £490 + £120 £610
22nd £490 + £120 £610
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
1st £490 + £120 £610
8th £490 + £120 £610
15th £490 + £120 £610
22nd £490 + £120 £610
29th £550 + £140 £690
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
5th £600 + £140 £740
12th £600 + £140 £740
19th £600 + £140 £740
26th £550 + £140 £690
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
3rd £570 + £140 £710
10th £570 + £140 £710
17th £570 + £140 £710
24th £600 + £140 £740
31st £595 + £140 £735
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
7th £595 + £140 £735
14th £595 + £140 £735
21st £595 + £140 £735
28th £595 + £140 £735
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
5th £725 + £150 £875
12th £725 + £150 £875
19th £795 + £150 £945
26th £890 + £150 £1045
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
2nd £890 + £150 £1040
9th £890 + £150 £1040
16th £890 + £150 £1040
23rd £890 + £150 £1040
30th £725 + £150 £875
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
6th £595 + £140 £735
13th £595 + £140 £735
20th £595 + £140 £735
27th £595 + £140 £735
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
4th £550 + £140 £690
11th £550 + £140 £690
18th £550 + £140 £690
25th £550 + £140 £690
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
1st £490 + £120 £610
8th £490 + £120 £610
15th £490 + £120 £610
22nd £490 + £120 £610
29th £490 + £120 £610
Week Starting Price + Optional Bunkroom Total
6th £490 + £120 £610
13th £490 + £120 £610
20th £600 + £130 £730
27th £650 + £130 £780